Labels:dialog box | web site | window OCR: Log Vusledky hledani hledani souborech FTF + I:\Delphi7\Projekty\PSPad\SynEdit\Source\Contribul mwE dit was started by Martin Waldenburg in 1998 but I:\DeIphi7\Projekty\PSP; ad\SynE Source\kT extDr Software distributed under the License distributed on 11 The Original Code is SynEdit pas released 2000-04 -0 12 The Original Code .n based on mwCustomEdit. pas by M 67 // this to gel around some weirdness with the Kylix 208: Control Components[] is TCaret then 521: make sure that the font object is refering to the sam Vysledky Projek ibuted witF TCareb thal objec